Blogbuch-Splitter 2019

#Lesetipps …

Hier habe ich wieder ein paar der wichtigen Beiträge, auf die ich im Laufe des Jahres gestoßen bin, aufmerksam gemacht wurde (und manche davon auch schon anderweitig verlinkt habe), aufgelistet* und teilweise auch wichtige Aussagen jeweils daraus vermerkt.

Diese Liste ist keinesfalls vollständig, und es müsste natürlich noch sehr viel mehr aufgelistet werden an wichtigen, interessanten Informationen.

* Bei Texten ohne direkte Verlinkung bitte den jeweiligen Titel - per copy und paste – übernehmen und in eine Suchmaschine eingeben oder direkt auf der angegebenen Internetseite danach suchen. Danke.






Experience of mental health diagnosis and perceived misdiagnosis in autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic adults


On gut bacteria and depression 

“… identified the microbial synthesis potential of the dopamine metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid as correlating positively with mental quality of life and indicated a potential role of microbial y-aminobutyric acid production in depression.”


Dazu bitte auch lesen:

[22.07.2012] GABA Dabba Doo


Autism and Nutrition: The Role of the Gut-Brain-Axis [2014]


Current Understanding of Gut Microbiota in Mood Disorders

Daraus, u. a.: „In addition to antipsychotics, some antidepressants are also considered to have antimicrobial effects. Some other possible mechanisms should be taken into consideration. Most psychotropic medications target neurotransmitters and their receptors, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin, which can also be produced by gut microbiota and can potentially have feedback on the bacteria. …”


UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres: Erklärung zum Welttag der Aufklärung über Autismus, 2. April 2019

„… niemanden zurücklassen …“ - Pressemitteilungen

[UNRIC = Regionales Informationszentrum der Vereinten Nationen]


Ursachen und Formen einer zerebralen Bewegungsstörung

Dr. med. Ingrid Müller, Köln

„Je nach Ausprägung der Bewegungsstörung werden bereits im Säuglingsalter Veränderungen im Muskeltonus, Bewegungsarmut und verzögerte motorische Entwicklung deutlich. Außerdem können Saug-, Kau- und Schluckstörungen, verzögerte Bildung von Lauten oder eine Schielstellung der Augen hinweisend sein. Zusätzliche Probleme wie Anfallsleiden sind relativ selten, Sehstörungen dagegen mit etwa 30% häufig. …“ [… und ich hoffe sehr, dass ich auch hier keine ‚Copyright-Rechte‘ verletze.]


New role for brain’s support cells in controlling circadian rhythms

“Astrocytes, ‘caretaker’ cells that surround and support neurons in the brain, …”

Infos zu Astrozyten bei Wikipedia:

Daraus: „In recent years, astrocytes have emerged as important participants in various neurodevelopmental disease processes. This view states that astrocyte dysfunction may result in improper neural circuitry, which underlies certain psychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and schizophrenia.”


Positive disintegration


Oral dysesthesia associated with autistic traits: a retrospective chart review

[Oral = zum Mund, zur Mundhöhle gehörend;

Dysästhesie = Form der Sensibilitätsstörung mit (spontanen oder provozierten) abnormen, unangenehmen Sinneswahrnehmungen [Pschyrembel]]


Reversible dementia, psychotic symptoms and epilepsy in a patient with vitamin B12-deficiency


Pilot Study: An Ocular Biomarker for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

“The present study aimed to find biomarkers of ADHD in the retina and assessed the relationship between macular thickness of the retina and cortical thickness of the brain in children with ADHD.”


Child Neurology Open -

A Gut Feeling: A Hypothesis of the Role of the Microbiome in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders


Effect of sweet almond syrup versus methylphenidate in children with ADHD: A randomized triple-blind clinical trial

“Sweet almond may be an effective treatment for ADHD children.” (!)

Infos zu Mandeln bei Wikipedia, hochinteressant:




Es gibt keine Schizophrenie“ – Sinngebung und neue Ideen für psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge


Psychiatrie: „Schizophrenie gibt es nicht


Perspective: Rethinking schizophrenia – Thomas R. Insel


Nur zwei Aussagen daraus, zum Nachdenken (und ich hoffe sehr, dass ich auch hier keine ‚Copyright-Rechte‘ verletze):

“Although post-mortem studies have consistently reported a loss of GABA and reductions in key enzymes for glutamate biosynthesis, …, these changes may represent the effects of chronic illness or treatment of the disorder rather than the cause of schizophrenia.” (S. 2)

“Our fear of psychosis or disruptive behaviour may keep us from seeing the heroic struggle that people with this disorder face just to survive amidst the internal chaos and panic that is part of this chronic (?*) illness.” (S. 5)

* Siehe dazu auch insbesondere Tagebuchnotizen 09-2019 (Eintrag 17.09.2019 – 1.) und Diskussionsseite – Begriffsentstehung, Migrälepsie, Zuschreibungen


Auf S. 3 wird das Velokardiofaziale Syndrom/Velocardiofacial syndrome erwähnt.

Infos dazu bei Wikipedia:

Mögliche Symptome sind u. a. eine Nichtanlage der Nebenschilddrüsen (s. Hypoparathyreoidismus), eine ausbleibende oder fehlende Ausbildung oder Ausbildung eines kleinen Thymus, Hypertelorismus als eine mögliche Gesichtsfehlbildung …

… und Schielen:

[Signs and symptoms, Genetics, Treatment]

Daraus, u.a.: “The severity of hypocalcemia* early in childhood is associated with autism-like behavioral difficulties.”

“Adults with DiGeorge syndrome are a specifically high-risk group for developing schizophrenia. About 30% have at least one incident of psychosis and about a quarter develop actual schizophrenia.”

“Individuals with DiGeorge syndrome also have a higher risk of developing early onset Parkinson's disease (PD).”


Siehe dazu auch (verlinkt in den Tagebuchnotizen 02-2020):

Ein schwaches Herz schadet auch dem Gehirn


* Und: (Hypokalzämie)

„Das Leitsymptom der Hypokalzämie ist die hypokalzämische Tetanie, …“

Blogbuchgedanken – Propriozeption (Jackie Kennedy, in memoriam)

Zum Nachdenken – Lymphatisches System

Zu Tetanie:

Diskussionsseite – Migrälepsie

Glossar – ATP und cAMP/cGMP; Drüsen (Schilddrüse und Nebenschilddrüse)  

Zum Nachdenken - Myotonie


Social Adversity in the Etiology of Psychosis: A Review of the Evidence

“This review summarizes the extensive literature demonstrating that adverse events involving trauma, loss, stress, and disempowerment have a central etiological role in psychosis. Evidence is further presented to show that many neurological changes traditionally considered indicative of a disease process can in fact be accounted for as secondary effects to the physiology of stress or the residual of long-term neuroleptic prescription. Particular emphasis is given to the traumagenic neurodevelopmental model of psychosis, …“


The Chemical Imbalance Theory: Dr. Pies Returns, Again

“Psychiatry is flawed at its very core, and is simply irremediable. The damage it has done, and continues to do, is profound and everywhere to be seen.”


Why the ‘Psychological Injury Model’ Will Ultimately Triumph

“Deep Flaws in the ‘Chemical Imbalance’ Model …”


Mortalität durch Neuroleptika

[Soziale Psychiatrie 04/2007]


Claims That Long-term Antipsychotic Use Leads to Better Outcomes are Misleading, Researchers Argue [2018]


Randomized Controlled Trials of Psychiatric Drugs Tell of Harm Done [2018]

“There are hundreds of personal blogs that have been published on MIA that tell of this short-term to long-term pathway of harm. The authors tell of either not responding to the drugs in the first place or gradually worsening on a psychiatric drug, of falling into polypharmacy torment, and eventually of lives that were diminished or even ruined.”


The case against antipsychotic drugs: a 50-year record of doing more harm than good [2003]

Robert Whitaker



Psychosocial deficits across autism and schizotypal spectra are interactively modulated by excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission [hyper-glutamatergic and hypo-GABAergic hypothesis of autism]

[Abstract] Keywords: autism, GABA, glutamate, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, schizophrenia, social behavior, social cognition


Serotonin’s link to autism, explained

“When autistic adults adopt a diet low in the amino acid tryptophan – the raw material for serotonin – their repetitive behaviors worsen and their irritability increases. They also show altered patterns of brain activity in regions involved in face processing, suggesting that serotonin influences social behavior. …”

1. A subtype of autism linked to psychosis?

2. When the autism and schizophrenia spectrums collide


How autism became autism


Combining the old and the new

“Historically, autism was considered to be an early-onset form of schizophrenia, and there are certainly overlaps between the two conditions. … Autism overlaps with a wide range of other supposedly distinct conditions and appears itself to have multiple different causes.”


The predictive coding theory of autism, explained

“… In other ways, though, autism and schizophrenia are similar. Both may involve delusions, which are false beliefs as opposed to false perceptions. Predictive coding suggests that delusions may occur when expectations are too weak and the brain overcorrects, causing a person to draw grand conclusions from slender evidence.”


·        “Autistic people may also experience higher rates of Parkinson’s disease. …”


Siehe dazu auch: Blogbuchgedanken – LBD/Parkinson; Risperdal & Co. und:

What Should We Really Call Psychiatric Drugs? – “Neurotoxin”


The eyes have it for autism?

“… more convinced than ever about the value of looking at vision processing for some cases of autism and other conditions too.”

Siehe dazu auch: Tagebuchnotizen 01-2020 (Eintrag 10.01.2020) – Pupillenstörungen bei Schizophrenie und Diskussionsseite – Begriffsentstehung; Noch ein Nachtrag


Background and History of Autism in Relation to Vision Care [2008]

“Accordingly, the most useful tests for a patient with the diagnosis of autism are those for oculomotor function, opticokinetic nystagmus, and strabismus. The optometrist, thereby, becomes a member of the team helping to diagnose and treat the visual sequelae of autism.”


www.cviscotland.orgWhat is CVI?

Resources: Homonymous Hemianopie (New Vision in Absent Visual Field) Paper

Daraus: Reflex vision

“Most vision is processed in parts of the cerebral cortex, however reflex vision is processed deep in the brain, in an area called the thalamus.

Reflex vision is designed to create a reflex, normally to do something very suddenly to protect yourself. … Reflex vision is fast, and it is likely you would have reacted to the low hanging branch before you consciously saw it. Reflex vision comes from information through your eyes, but it does not contribute to the picture you see, it goes straight deep into the brain, and where necessary creates a quick reaction, or reflex. Reflex vision is triggered by movement, particularly fast movement from the sides.”

Siehe dazu auch: Hypothalamus und Thalamus; Wunderwerk Gehirn – Reflexe; Wahrnehmung – Gleichgewicht; Fragen, Fragen, Fragen – Hirnlokales Syndrom; Zum Nachdenken – Kontrastwahrnehmung

Infos zum Thalamus bei Wikipedia: („Tor zum Bewusstsein“)


[[ Seit ich obigen Beitrag zum ersten Mal gelesen habe, versuche ich zu ergründen, ob mein „Reflexsehen“ funktioniert, aber es fällt mir sehr schwer, diese Frage zu beantworten. Was ich bisher an mir beobachtet habe, ist jedenfalls, dass ich oft Gegenstände nicht wahrnehme, auch Menschen oft nicht, wenn sie sich nicht bewegen … Vermutlich kann ich Bewegungen, die von der linken Seite her kommen, mit dem linken Auge auch wahrnehmen und hätte also auf dieser Seite auch „Reflexsehen“, aber nicht so auf der rechten Seite und mit dem rechten Auge … (?) ]]


Seeing connections between autism and blindness

“… it indicated that autism is more than 30 times as common in blind people as in sighted people. … Hearing impairment is not strongly connected to autism. The association is also independent of intellectual ability, showing that problems with cognition alone cannot explain the connection. … And like sighted autistic children, about one in four blind children experiences regression at 15 to 30 months of age.”


Comparison of the body fluid levels in healthy individuals and those with schizophrenia in Japan: using the bioelectrical impedence method [2007]

“Polydipsia and water intoxication have been found to be care problems in people with schizophrenia in many countries.”

Siehe dazu auch: Zum Nachdenken – Hypopituitarismus


Toxoplasmosis and mental disorders in the Russian Federation [and in other countries] (with special reference to schizophrenia)

“It was found that among persons with neuropsychiatric disorders, the incidence of cases with latent toxoplasmosis was higher than in the control group.“


The FACE-SZ initiative: inflammation and latent Toxoplasma infection in schizophrenia

“Not only that but such infection seemed to correlate with some important clinical measurements of schizophrenia, and ‘Treatments with Anti-Toxoplasmic Activity (TATA)’ also correlated with lower depressive symptoms.”



Demenz: Frühwarnsystem für Alzheimer

„Eine Studie mit über 1000 Teilnehmern deutete darauf hin, dass sich eine Demenz verbessern kann, wenn man sich gesünder ernährt und mehr bewegt. Vielleicht stellt sich bei den Tests ja auch heraus, dass es sich gar nicht um Alzheimer handelt, sondern die Gedächtnis-, Sprach- und Orientierungsprobleme eine andere Ursache haben, die womöglich behandelbar ist, wie eine Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörung oder Vitaminmangel.“


Edentulousness (no natural teeth) and intellectual (learning) disability


Overview - Teeth grinding (bruxism)

“Teeth grinding and jaw clenching (also called bruxism) is often related to stress or anxiety.”


Drug-Induced Dental Caries: A Disproportionality Analysis Using Data from VigiBase

“Regarding possible pathogenic mechanisms for these drugs, we identified changes in salivary flow/composition for 54 drugs (61.4%), bone metabolism changes for 31 drugs (35.2%), hyperglycaemia for 32 drugs (36.4%) and/or immunosuppression for 23 drugs (26.1%). For nine drugs (10.2%), the mechanism was unclear.” (Dry mouth)


What’s new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2017. Part 2: epidemiology, aetiology and risk factors


Down Syndrome-Genetic and Nutritional Aspects of Accompanying Disorders



Words say little about cognitive abilities in autism

“The findings call into question the widespread assumption that children with autism who have severe difficulty with speech also have low intelligence.”



The problem of particulate air pollution

“The results were shocking and convinced me that fine particles are a very serious problem.”


Missbildungen Neugeborener (teratogene Wirkung) durch Glyphosat?


[Eingefügt am 30.03.2020]

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