Blogbuch-Splitter 2018
#Lesetipps …
Hier habe ich ein paar der wichtigen Beiträge, auf die ich im Laufe des Jahres gestoßen bin, aufmerksam gemacht wurde, aufgelistet* und teilweise auch wichtige Aussagen jeweils daraus vermerkt.
Diese Liste ist keinesfalls vollständig, und es müsste natürlich noch sehr viel mehr aufgelistet werden an wichtigen, interessanten Informationen.
* Bei Texten ohne direkte Verlinkung bitte den jeweiligen Titel - per copy und paste – übernehmen und in eine Suchmaschine eingeben oder direkt auf der angegebenen Internetseite danach suchen. Danke.
| Environmental risk for autism, explained
| Sleep problems in autism, explained
| Conditions that accompany autism, explained
“Which traits or conditions commonly accompany autism? The conditions that overlap with autism generally fall into one of four groups: classic medical problems, such as epilepsy, gastrointestinal issues or sleep disorders; developmental diagnoses, such as intellectual disability or language delay; mental-health conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression; and genetic conditions, including fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis complex.”
| Sensory issues in autism may have sex-specific roots
“Girls and boys with autism show different patterns of brain activity in response to sensory stimuli.”
| Rodent models of autism miss milestone in brain signaling
“In the womb, the chemical messenger gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, excites neuronal signals. GABA temporarily switches to being an inhibitor of brain signals around the time of birth and then permanently assumes an inhibitory role again about two weeks later. But in mice exposed to inflammation in utero, GABA remains excitatory.”
| Autistic people should be valued for their strengths in the workplace
| Invisible man? Move over for invisible mouse
“Some of these lymphatic vessels serve as a passageway between the brain and the skull, the team found. The results hint that the skull plays an active role in the immune system.”
| Vagus-nerve stimulation may ease hearing problems in Rett rats
“The vagus nerve, located in the neck, is one of several nerves that connects the brain to the body. In their previous work, the researchers studied vagus-nerve stimulation in rats with tinnitus, or ringing in their ears. They found that stimulating the nerve with electric pulses while playing different tones helps normalize neural activity in the auditory cortex, which processes sound.”
| Cerebellum's role in autism may depend on timing
“The cerebellum has traditionally been known for controlling movements and posture. Postmortem studies have found that the cerebellum of autistic people has unusually few Purkinje neurons, which connect the region to other brain areas. The new studies add to mounting evidence that the cerebellum also governs language, cognitive and social development. Autism may involve alterations in any or all of these skills.”
| Autism severity in children tracks with mothers' serotonin levels
“The new study is the first to link maternal serotonin to autism traits in people: It hints that developmental problems worsen as maternal serotonin declines.”
| How history forgot the woman who defined autism
“Historians are beginning to ponder why it took nearly a century for the DSM-5 — published in 2013 after years of debate — to arrive back at something so close to Sukhareva’s list …”.
| Tribute to Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva, the Woman who First Described Infantile Autism
| Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Early Childhood and Risk of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study
“Data from this study suggest that the incidence of ADHD, ASD, and DD significantly increased after TBI events in early childhood (< 3 years of age). The risk factors include severe TBI, repeated TBI events, and TBI at a younger age. The long-term follow-up demonstrated an increased cumulative risk of ADHD, ASD, and DD after TBI.”
| Dossier Frühgeborene
| Social Connectedness and Loneliness Mediate the Association Between Autistic Traits and Internalizing Symptoms Among Young Adults
| Lower life expectancy for children with learning disabilities
| Extreme male brain theory of autism confirmed in large new study – and no, it doesn’t mean autistic people lack empathy or are more ‘male’
“… autistic people are not uncaring or cruel but are simply confused by other people. They don’t tend to hurt others, rather they avoid others. … So autistic people do not lack empathy. …“
| Left-handedness: Association with immune disease, migraine, and developmental learning disorder (Geschwind, Behan)
„A common interpretation is that celiac disease may be one cause of autism.”
[Siehe dazu auch: Blogbuchgedanken – Linkshändigkeit]
| Relationships between neurological and psychiatric disorders: Could migraine and ADHD be correlated?
| The Underestimated Role of Refractive Error (Hyperopie, Myopia, and Astigmatism) and Strabism in Children With ADHD
| Effect of optic flow on postural control in children and adults with autism spectrum disorder
“In addition, adults in the ASD group may have difficulties prioritizing visual information in the central visual field over visual information in the peripheral visual field when in unfamiliar environments, which may have implications in understanding their motor behaviors in new surroundings.”
| Drug treatment in medicine and psychiatry – papering over important differences
“Psychiatric drugs do not target underlying disease or symptom-producing mechanisms; … most tests of dopamine activity show no differences between people with psychosis or schizophrenia and those without; tests which do show differences have not controlled for the many other things that are known to affect dopamine activity including stress, movement, smoking and in many studies the residual effects of current or prior antipsychotic treatment. …”
| Renaming schizophrenia: benefits, challenges and barriers
| ISPS Australia’s Response to Schizophrenia Awareness Week: Drop the Label!
| APA: Drop the Stigmatazing Term “Schizophrenia”
| Social difficulties in youth with autism with and without anxiety and ADHD symptoms
| The double empathy problem
| Is schizophrenia on the autism spectrum?
| Autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and diagnostic confusion
| Renaming schizophrenia: 5 x 5 [Free PMC article] „Changing the name and the concept of 'schizophrenia', which goes beyond a mere semantic revision, may become the first step that allows catalysation of the process of modernising psychiatric science and services worldwide.“
| Renaming schizophrenia [Free PMC article] “…a new name 'Togo-Shitcho-Sho' ('disintegration disorder') was approved in 2002, and in 2005, the new name was adopted in the Revised Mental Health and Welfare Act. …“
| Researchers Suggest Traumatic Experiences May Cause Psychosis
| At the intersection of autism and trauma
| Lifetime Autism Spectrum Features in a Patient with a Psychotic Mixed Episode Who Attempted Suicide [2014]
“First of all, he had limited use of expressive language. … Because his understanding of language was often literal, he frequently missed the points of other people’s jokes. … In summary, the clinical evaluation and the scoring tests suggested that an autism spectrum disorder was present even if never ‘suspected’ before.”
| The neurobiological hypothesis of neurotrophins in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia: A meta-analysis
“One potential contributor is the family of neurotrophins which are proteins involved in multiple functional processes in the nervous systems, with crucial roles in neurodevelopment, synaptogenesis and neuroplasticity.”
[“There are two classes of receptors for neurotrophins: p75 and the "Trk" family of Tyrosine kinases receptors.” -]
| Differences in gut microbiome composition between persons with chronic schizophrenia and healthy comparison subjects
| Wheat and Schizophrenia
| Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry
| Hypovitaminosis D is frequent and associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders in schizophrenia
| Questioning Answers: GABA Dabba Doo
| Effects of traditionally used anxiolytic botanicals on enzymes of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system [2007]
| Fermented foods, the gut and mental health: a mechanistic overview with implications for depression and anxiety “The potential of modulating the microbiome-gut-brain axis, and subsequently mental health, through the use of functional foods, is an emerging and novel topic of interest.”
| What National Health Surveys Tell Us About Nutrition and Mental Health
| Mortification of the Self: The Impact of Stigma on Identity
| The Madness of Our Mental Health System
| If “Mental Illnesses” Aren’t Real Illnesses, What Are They?
| Rethinking Psychiatry: Despair, Resilience, and the Great Turning “The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.”
| Reflections on stress and autism [2016]
| Understanding Extreme States: An Interview with Paris Williams [2017] “… I have found that much if not most of my support efforts involve trying to undo the harm caused by the mainstream mental health care system. … I also see psychosis as extreme responses to trauma for the most part. … The problem is, once you get a diagnosis like ‘schizophrenia’ you get put on drugs. You probably don’t have a brain disease when you get diagnosed, but pretty soon you will have a real brain disease if you stay on the drugs long enough ….”
| “Schizophrenia” does not exist. Discuss. [2016]
| Es gibt keine Schizophrenie - Sinngebung und neue Ideen für die psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge [2017] – Blog: Menschenbilder
Keine chronische Hirnerkrankung – Interview mit Professor Jim van Os: „Das Problem ist, dass die Sinngebung vor langer Zeit aus der Psychiatrie verdrängt wurde. … Ihr [Psychiater] dürft die Patienten nicht mit so einer schlimmen Diagnose kaputt machen.“
[Siehe dazu auch: Tagebuchnotizen 09-2019 Eintrag 17.09.2019 – 1.)]
| ‚Suddenly the first fifty years of my life made sense’: Experiences of older people with autism [2017; Abstract]
| What Should We Really Call Psychiatric Drugs? “Neurotoxin.”
| 500 Tote durch Psychopharmaka “Aufklärung ist überfällig.”
| Peter Lehmann: Psychiatrische Psychopharmaka: Anlass zu großer Sorge
Weitere Themen:
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| Gebietsfremde und invasive Arten – Gefahr für Landwirtschaft und Natur … Umfangreiche Infos gibt es z. B. beim Informationsportal des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz für gebietsfremde und invasive Arten in Deutschland, u. a.: - Was sind Neobiota bzw. invasive Arten? - Wie viele gebietsfremde Arten gibt es in Deutschland? - Auswirkungen und Gefahren invasiver Arten für Natur, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit - Effekte durch Klimawandel - Bewertung von Neobiota im Naturschutz - Mögliche Maßnahmen
| Einsatz von Chemikalien: Teures Gift [2017]
| Press Release: New Study: Glyphosate persists! And European top soils are contaminated with it [2017]
| Gentechnik-Pflanzen und resistente Unkräuter: Wenn Glyphosat nicht mehr wirkt – Anbau [2017]
| U. S. prepares for biggest-ever Agent Orange cleanup in Vietnam
| Unser Saatgut – Wir ernten, was wir säen (2016) - #Filmtipp „Siegel und Betz führen uns in Unser Saatgut – Wir ernten, was wir säen durch die Geschichte des Saatguts, das über Jahrtausende in der Hand der Bauern lag. Bis vor einigen Jahrzehnten war allen Kulturen quer über den Globus freier Zugang zu Saatgut selbstverständlich, Saatgut war Gemeingut, bevor es zum Handelsgut verkam.“
| Thousands of scientists issue bleak ‘second notice’ to humanity “They said humans had pushed Earth’s ecosystems to their breaking point and were well on the way to ruining the planet.”
[Eingefügt am 04.03.2020; aktualisiert am 04.02.2022]